Thursday, April 08, 2021

Russia's new term limits and ban on same sex marriage

Law enforcement officers surrounding participants of a pride rally in Saint Petersburg, Russia, last year. The gay marriage ban is one of a package of new amendments to the constitutional review process that was approved by a Parliamentary committee.On Tuesday of this week, Vladimir Putin officially signed a new referendum altering the Russian constitution. His signature affirmed the change first proposed by Putin last year after receiving an overwhelming supportive public vote. However, the election was seen to be flawed as it presented many irregularities including pressure on voters. The now in-order bill outlaws same sex marriage, adoption by transgender individuals, as well as setting a two term limit to the presidency. The bill clearly persecutes innocent civilians while hypocritically altering the constitution in his favor.

The discriminatory aspects are significantly alarming as they highlight major human rights violations while also exposing flaws within US media coverage. The ban on same sex marriage and adoption by transgender people clearly violate the rights of those Russian individuals and should not be overlooked by other aspects of this referendum. The campaign featured propaganda depicting same sex marriages in a very offensive light. This move was just one way Putin spreads his harmful agenda.  Major US news sources actively covered the signing of this bill during the past week. However, many platforms only included information regarding the term limits and their impact on the future. This exemplifies many flawed aspects of media converge in regards to picking and choosing what information to share. 

While the bill stated a two term limit to the presidency, it also includes a section which states that the two term limit is to start after Putin’s current term ends. Outlawing more than two terms, as well as limiting the ability to shuffle between President and Prime Minister, like Putin did in 2008. The hypocrisy, deeply rooted throughout this section of the referendum is extremely alarming. Putin actively changed the flaws in the systems while using the change to his advantage. In turn, discrediting the changes he was trying to make. His choice to make the new limit only apply to future terms, acts as a focal point for the discussion around corruption. 

In conclusion, Vladimir Putin has officially paved a path to rule until he is 83, persecutes individuals for who they are, and further Russia down a dark path. The referendum is wrong in a plethora of ways. It violates human rights, tarnishes the minuscule aspects of democracy within Russia, and poses a threat to both human rights and democracy world wide.

Wednesday, April 07, 2021

The UK and Brexit


File:EU-Austritt (47521165961).jpg
EU and the British flag

The UK is experiencing a large amount of division over the political aspects of Globalism v. Nationalism. The argument at its roots is finding the balance between nation-state sovereignty and global nation-state treaties and organizations. Support of nationalism and globalism by UK citizens is geographically divided between Rural and Urban areas. Rural areas have more nationalist beliefs. Urban areas have more Globalist beliefs. There are several reasons for this: Different educational funding, land ownership in rural areas, and economic differences between rural and urban communities. 


UK educational poll on the EU. 

Education in the UK has four main checkpoints: Primary, secondary, further education, and higher education. Primary and secondary education is mandatory.

Researchers at the University of Leicester say that had just 3 percent more of the population gone to university, the UK would probably not be leaving the EU. 

Land Ownership:

Cities with more wealth were more likely to vote to remain in the EU. Middle-class and lower-income rural areas hold nationalist tendencies. Land and house ownership for the older British population has been increasing. Older populations vote for more nationalist policies such as Brexit. 

Economic Differences Between Rural and Urban Communities:

Election results of 2017 and 2019 with comparison. 

    Vanishing industry in the North and rural poverty in the Southwest caused British citizens to take on Nationalist stances. People clinging to middle-class lifestyles in the suburbs of once-great cities increasingly align to Nationalism and conservative parties in general. Nationalism has ties with anti-immigration stances and protectionism for the nation and its citizens. Elections in the UK increasingly show a divide between urban and rural centers.  


How Britain Voted in the E.U. Referendum - The New York Times
Brexit Results

Brexit showcases all of the variables; Different educational funding, A sense of owning land in rural areas, and a division of economies in rural and urban communities. Urban centers generally attract higher educated populations. Land owning and economic differences between rural and urban areas contribute to polarization on the topic. 

Scotland's Immigration Problem – Random Public Journal
Scotland Airport Welcome sign 

The debate between nationalism and globalism is highlighted in the Brexit event. The sentiments about leaving the EU are very different when looking at Scotland. Scotland has a demographic challenge and is heavily reliant on immigration to provide a workforce. Without immigration, the economy of Scotland would slip into a depression.  


The UK is experiencing a large amount of division over the political aspects of Globalism v. Nationalism. The argument at its roots is finding the balance between nation-state sovereignty and global nation-state treaties and organizations. Support for nationalism and globalism, by UK citizens, is geographically divided between Rural and Urban areas. Rural areas have more nationalist beliefs. Urban areas have more Globalist beliefs. Educational funding, a sense of owning land in rural areas, and differences between economies in rural and urban communities, drive polarization on the topic. Further research on life choices could create a more clear picture of why, geographically, The debate of globalism v. nationalism has rural and urban strongholds. 

Calhoun, Craig. “POPULISM, NATIONALISM AND BREXIT.” Brexit: Sociological Responses, edited by William Outhwaite, Anthem Press, London; New York, 2017, pp. 57–76. JSTOR, Accessed 10 Mar. 2021.
Aihua Zhang, New Findings on Key Factors Influencing the UK’s Referendum on (
Stone, Jon. Did Homeowners CAUSE BREXIT? 19 June 2019, 
Department, Published by Statista Research, and Jun 20. “Brexit Votes by Education Level 2016.” Statista, 20 June 2016, 
VAN REENEN, JOHN. “Brexit’s Long-Run Effects on the U.K. Economy.” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2016, pp. 367–383. JSTOR, Accessed 11 Mar. 2021.
Sampson, Thomas. “Brexit: The Economics of International Disintegration.” The Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 31, no. 4, 2017, pp. 163–184. JSTOR, Accessed 11 Mar. 2021.
Leaving the EU, World Development, Volume 102, 2018, Pages 304-314, ISSN 0305-750X,  

"Peace" in Afghanistan at the Price of Women's Rights

Is a speedy peace agreement in Afghanistan more important than maintaining women's rights in the region? The United States seems to think so. 

Afghani women are quickly losing their power and involvement in the peace talks. Their fear is that the rights that women have won since the Taliban regime fell in 2001 will be sacrificed so that there can be a quick peace. And progress has not been on their side - though the UN Resolution 1325 said that women must have "equal participation and full involvement", the current US plan only mentions a "meaningful" participation of women. 

Habiba Sarabi has been one of four women at the peace talks in the past six months, and this past month, she was the only woman there at all. Out of 21 people, with 12 from the Afghan government and 10 from the Taliban, only one member was a woman. She alone advocates for women's rights, and fights for the end of the murdering of women by the Taliban. 

Habiba Sarabi, representing all women at the peace talks.

Why the loss of power now? Last year Trump made a deal with the Taliban, in an effort to end the two decades of US presence in Afghanistan. Now the Taliban, a militant extremist group, feels that they have the lead role in the peace process. The US failed to ensure that this deal guaranteed the protection of women's rights, and with the Taliban's refusal to recognize the existing constitution, it seems likely that including them in the government will lead to a loss of women's rights. 

Over 100 global leaders joined forces to draft a letter urging the Afghan government to create a lasting peace that includes women's participation throughout the process, and which would preserve the constitution's gender equality. However, with the US transition to Biden's presidency, change seems unlikely. Biden is also eager to bring the peace talks to a close, and seems willing to sacrifice women's interests in order to so. The US is placing expediency over their stated principles. 

It has been proven that women's role in peace processes are essential. Between 1992 and 2019, women made up, on average, 13% of negotiators, 6% of mediators, 6% of signatories in major global peace processes. In previous peace talks, women constituted 33% of delegates in South Sudan, 20% of negotiators in Columbia (and 40% of their armed forces), and 25% in Kenya, just to list a few examples. It also has been shown that gender inequality brings instability and extremism, not peace. 

Afghan women attending a consultative grand assembly, known as Loya Jirga, in April 2019

As Akbhar, chair of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, put it, "if you exclude women and you move to an Afghanistan where half the population is entrapped and regarded as half-human, you are signing up for an Afghanistan that is poor, less developed, and cannot compete with other countries. That is counterproductive for everyone." 

If America stands for equality and women's rights, could they really sacrifice it for the sake of a speedy but insubstantial peace? Are they only willing to because it's a different country, and not their own? And will Afghani women stand up for their rights? Peace will only truly exist if they do. 

Bigio, O., & Cleaveland, D. (2020, October 05). Opinion: Women should be at the center of Afghan peace talks. Retrieved April 07, 2021, from

O’Donnell, L. (2021, March 30). Women cut out of the Afghan peace process. Retrieved April 07, 2021, from 

Afghan peace summit includes just one female delegate. (2021, March 18). Retrieved April 07, 2021, from

Including women at the peace table produces better outcomes. (n.d.). Retrieved April 07, 2021, from

Russian Espionage within Italian Government

Last Tuesday, a mixture of Italian police forces made an arrest of Walter Biot a fifty-four year old Italian Navy Captian. Biot was accused of delivering a memory card containing one-hundred and eighty-one photos of classified Italian and NATO documents to a Russian Military officer in exchange for five-thousand euros, the equivalent of five thousand-nine hundred dollars. Roberto di Vitom, Biot’s lawyer released a statement saying that Biot had admitted to the exchange of information for money with his Russian counterpart, but had denied the contents was classified documents belonging to Italy and NATO.

These acquisitions were confirmed by Luigi Di Maio the Italian Foreign Minister this past Wednesday after The Italian Government held a trial of the Naval Captain which resulted in his expulsion from Military service and two Russian officials. Di Maio summoned Russian ambassador Sergey Razov to inform him of the countries decision on the matter. The Russian Diplomat who was caught with Biot was able to avoid being detained due to diplomatic immunity while within Italy’s borders.

Some have speculated that these actions could throw the relations within Europe back into a cold-war like state. However, Russia and Italys relationship has been fairly warm in comparison to most of Russia’s European counterparts. Russia has downplayed the occurrences in an effort to help propel their own Covid-19 vaccine called the Sputnik V vaccine which they hope to have approved by the European Union. The vaccines approval would give a much needed boost to the diminishing Russian economy.


Royal Family Feud May Hurt Regional Security

  Drama has been flaring up within the Jordanian Government, more specifically, within its ruling family– the Hashemites. The drama starts off with two half-brothers feeling differently about the growing issues within the country of Jordan. One of the half-brothers is Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein of Jordan who has been criticizing the government for their constant neglect for growing economic problems and social unrest. The other half-brother is King Abdullah II of Jordan who believes that his half-brother, the prince, was “working in collusion with unnamed foreign entities to ‘destabilize’ Jordan.” 

Prince Hamzah has gained the majority of the population’s favorability in the case. Many Jordanian citizens believe that Prince Hamzah was the favorite son of King Hussein and they still idolize him to this day. Not only that, but he is also heavily supported by Jordanian tribes who had a lot to do with the development of the Jordanian Monarchy we see today. 

Over the weekend, Jordanian police arrested fifteen people, including a political figure and member of the royal family; Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein. However, Hamzah is believed to have been placed under house arrest. Hamzah publicly criticized Jordan's leadership in a video that he actually sent to media outlets (those not in control by King Abdullah II). King Abdullah II’s argument was that Hamzah was “working in collusion with unnamed foreign entities to ‘destabilize’ Jordan.” Hamzah denied these allegations and stated in a video statement that these arrests were just a “bid to silence growing criticism of government corruption.” Hamzah’s popular support amongst the citizens has led them to openly oppose his alleged detainment. Surprisingly though, Hamzah decided to sign a letter pledging allegiance to the king– in a selfless manner– to put an end to such drama that has been growing uncertainty amongst the citizens… which did nothing.

On Tuesday, the Jordanian government imposed a “gag order” around Hamzah's case where images and videos related to the case have been banned, which keeps implying to me that they are trying to shut the door (SLAM the door) on any opposition. This couldn’t sound anymore corrupt to me, but once you read their words, what would you think?

"To protect the secrecy of the investigations that security apparatuses are carrying out, and which are connected to the His Royal Highness Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein and others, publication of anything related to (the case) has been banned at this stage of the investigation"

Prince Hamzah’s response to this was that the Jordanians' "well-being has been put second by a ruling system that has decided that its personal interests, financial interests, that its corruption is more important than the lives and dignity and future of the ten million people who live here."

The bitterness between these two gentlemen may seem like a short run issue that will eventually be solved, but with the publicity of it all may imply a slow destruction of Jordan’s regional security. For example, the US has relied on Jordan as a “diplomatic, military and counter-terrorism partner over the years.” Furthermore, Jordan currently has the longest-running peace treaty with Israel who they work very closely with on defense and intelligence. With two royal family members in public opposition by defending separate morals, Jordan’s role in regional security could drastically fall apart.


Saudi Arabia announces peace plan in hopes of ending conflict in Yemen


    Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan of Saudi Arabia recently presented a peace plan to put a stop to their conflict with Houthi rebels in Yemen. This conflict first began when Houthi forces backed by Iran captured Sanaa, the capital of Yemen. Saudi Arabia who supported Yemen’s central government under President Hadi began to launch attacks against the rebels. A war that the Saudi government thought would be a matter of weeks turned into years of fighting. In 2017, Saudi forces set up blockades barring any travel by land or sea in hopes of preventing gun smuggling from Iran to help the Houthi. In turn this blockade has sprung widespread starvation across Yemen. Roughly 66% of the Yemen population are dependent on supplies that come in from the port of Al-Hudaydah (BBC). According to the UN nearly 10 million people are nearly in a state of famine.

Houthi Rebels

    These years of war between Saudi Arabia and Houthi forces have also had global impacts. In 2019, Houthi rebels launched drone strikes on oil fields in Saudi Arabia which dismantled half of their oil production which makes up 5% of oil globally (BBC). Returning peace to Yemen is also important considering their geographic location. Houthi rebels are able to gain full control of Yemen they will be able to disrupt travel within the Bab al-Mandab Strait. Ships that head south along the Suez Canal must pass through the Bab al-Mandab Strait in order to reach the Indian Ocean. In 2018, 6.2 million barrels per day of crude oil passed through the Bab al-Mandab Strait (EIA). Houthi rebels would become a threat to the global economy if they were to gain control along the Bab al-Mandab Strait. With the endangerment of the Yemeni people and these global threats, the United Nations and the United States government intervened.

    The Biden administration has offered the support of the United States to ensure that this peace plan can be agreed upon. Houthi forces have offered initial criticism of the peace plan particularly whether or not the blockades will be removed. The United Stats have engaged in negotiations alongside Saudi Arabia with Houthi negotiators over the terms of this plan. The United Nations have also strongly supported Suadi Arabia’s peace plan. The UN has agreed to help in the application of this peace plan if terms are finally agreed upon.

    In the past several attempts at peace have been made but none have been successful. However now with the active support of the United States along with the United Nations peace seems more likely than ever. It will be interesting to see how negotiations unfold in the future as to whether the Houthi rebels will give up their land. At the end of the day, terms of peace must be met in any way possible as the lives of innocent Yemen civilians depend on it.


The Violence of the LGBTQ+ Community In Africa

Religion & It's Influence 

  In many African countries homosexuality is illegal, with many anti-gay laws being passed within these various countries violence against this community has significantly increased in more recent years. Africa has a total of 54 countries, and and in only 22 of those countries are same-sex relations legal. The punishment for being in a same-sex relationship can sometimes be as harsh as serving a lengthy prison sentence, or even being sentenced to death. The emergence of these anti-LGBTQ+ politics in Africa is often attributed to Christianity, religion is a fueling factor to homophobia. Christianity is the dominating religion throughout African countries, and many religiously affiliated groups seem to be to blame for the oppression. Churches are a main source. Uganda Evangelical pastors have actively campaigned for the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, when voicing their opinions on homosexuality many political leaders have argued that it is "un-African", "un-biblical", and "un-Christian".  Religion is arguably the most aggressive obstacle for Africans within the LGBTQ+ community to overcome in attempt to gain acceptance from their greater communities. 

Kakuma Refugee Camp Protests 

   Kenya is home to one of the world's largest refugee camps,  Kakuma Refugee. 171,000 people live in this camp, around 71% are refugees, more than 800 are from South Sudan and are primarily woman and children, new ones arriving each week. Kakuma Refugee is made up of communities, and local tribes who will look after orphan children. The area rarely receives rain as it is very dry and muggy, and many young students living there are only provided with one meal a day. In Kenya, like many other African countries, homosexuality is a crime. Within the Kakuma Refugee camp there are LGBTQ+ refugees. These refugees have reported being violently beaten by locals and other refugees living in the camp. After experiencing this violence they attempted to camp out by the UNCHR for safety reasons, but were failed to receive any assistance and were instead forced to go back into the homophobic community where they were brutally attacked by refugees. Although police and ambulances were called for the violent events, they were slow to respond and did not do much. In June 2018, Ugandan refugee Mbazira Moses scheduled to host a pride march, which would be the first gay pride event in the camp. 

Although the march seemed to be a positive step forward, attracting many onlookers from Kakuma, it did not end well. Following the march, murderous threats towards the LGBTQ+ community were posted around the camp, telling them to leave or be killed. Violence at the camp worsened for the rest of 2018, and many refugees had to be relocated. Refugees have also accused administrators of the camp for turning a blind eye on the violence, due to their own personal homophobia. 

Simon Lokodo-Uganda 

Simon Lokodo, a former Catholic priest, and politician who served as Minister of State For Ethics & Integrity in the office of the president, has been very outspoken with his homophobic beliefs. He is proudly one of the creators of the countries anti-homosexuality bill. This bill sparked many protests. 

                                            Protestors wore masks to preserve their anominity.

 In an interview Simon Lokodo said he could never imagine kissing a man, he said "I think I shall die. I would not exist. It is inhuman. I would be mad. Just imagine eating your faeces". Lokodo believes that homosexuality is a choice, and that people a part of the LGBTQ+ community are set out to recruit other people to join them. In an interview Lokodo said, "Homosexuality is unnatural, abnormal and strange to our cultures," he said. "It has no output whatsoever; it only does damage and destruction. You cannot have a right to be a sick human being. There is no right in homosexuality. It must be cured." 


    With many political leaders of different African countries who share beliefs similar to Simon Lokodo, it is hard to see where change will hopefully be made. Many individuals who hold high political positions are also very religious, specifically Catholic. Religion is a major barrier between the oppression of the LGBTQ+ community in Africa and their freedom. However, with people like Simon Lokodo and many, many others, it is hard to try and see a future where the LGBTQ+ community will no longer be oppressed and punished for just being themselves. 


Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Venice Bans Cruise ships from entering the Giudecca Canal

by Mario L.
Venice is known for its beautiful winding canals, amazing bridges, and breathtaking architecture. For these reasons, it brought in over 26 millions tourists in 2017. Venice is only 160.1 square miles. In comparison, Lancaster county is 984 square miles. Lancaster county is home to just 500,000 people. Venice locals feel absolutely swarmed due to the sheer amount of tourists in a relatively small area. In 1965, 122,000 people called Venice home. Today, there are just 54,000. This tourism craze has led to local shops like bakeries or family based grocery stores turning into souvenir shops, or other tourist hubs. For many years now, the cruise ship has symbolized this “tourist craze” that has taken over the city.

Each year, protestors raise their voices, and signs when the cruise ships enter their beloved Giudecca Canal. Cruise ships have been increasingly ruining the water quality of the canal. Along with this, they erode away at the city's foundations that already have extreme flooding issues. In 2013 the constant protests led to a ban of cruise ships entering the canal. Yet, right when they thought they had done it, legislation overturned it. This caused even more people to join the fight, both in person and online. The hashtag “#enjoyrespectvenice” began to trend. In 2019 the last straw occurred. A cruise ship crashed into the harbor seriously injuring 5 people.

Finally, the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) got involved. On Wednesday March 31 italian ministers declared cruise ships banned from the canal. Currently, ships most dock in the industrial dock away from the giudecca canal until a solution is found. The italian government is calling for ideas to solve this problem. Yet, they stay firm on not allowing cruise ships to enter the canal. I am excited to see what ideas will come about.


 Tanzania’s President dies due to Covid-19 implications 

On March 17, 2021 John Magufuli passed after an extensive battle with Covid-19. He had died from heart complications that were caused by this deadly virus. It was never confirmed whether or not President Magufuli contracted Covid-19 until he died. He wasn’t seen in the public for two weeks and rumours began circulating  in regards to his health. After being a skeptic about Covid-19 his death was shocking to the entire world. Mr. Magufuli didn’t believe Covid-19 was a deadly virus. Rather he said “Coronavirus which is a devil, cannot survive in the body of christ… it will burn instantly” after recommending that people go to churches and mosques to pray instead of being on lockdown. 

                       John Magufuli interacting with the public while on a road trip. BBC News

The entire country of Tanzania was in gloomy mood after the death of Mr. Magufuli. This was the first time since their existence that Tanzania has suffered the death of the current president. Although rumours had been going around that President Magufuli was ill, the authorities reassured the public and told them that all was well. Therefore, the news of his death came as a shock to everyone. A power shift is coming as Samia Suluhu is set to take over as president and become Tanzania’s first ever woman president. A majority of Tanzania feels that they are in good hands with President Suluhu, but she has yet to voice her opinion on the Coronavirus and whether or not she is skeptical about it. 

President Sulhu walking with her guards after being sworn in as the sixth President of Tanzania 

After being in office for only weeks President Suluhu has shown that she’s looking for a swift power change. Most recently she lifted the media ban that was implemented by John Magufuli. He had believed that the freedom granted to the press had plummeted so decided to limit how much freedom they can have. Mr. Magufuli had journalists arrested, and shut down newpapers and websites. President Suluhu lifted this ban because she didn’t believe it was right to give the press the impression that their freedom is shrinking. “We should not ban the media by force. Reopen them, and we should ensure they follow the rules,” she said.


Nairobi Reuters. “Tanzania’s New President Lifts Media Ban.” U.S News & World Report, U.S News & World Report, 6 Apr. 2021,

Dickens Olewe. “John Magufuli: The cautionary tale of the president who denied coronavirus.” BBC News, BBC News, 18, Mar. 2021,

Dickens Olewe. “John Magufuli: Tanzania's president dies aged 61 after Covid rumours.” BBC News, BBC News, 18, Mar. 2021,

The concern of Chinese diplomatic presence in Australia with regards to Uighur people

The Uighur people have been experiencing a significant amount of oppression within China, but what if I told you this injustice is possibly spreading into other nations. This ethnic group has decided to seek asylum in a variety of nations across Asia and some relocated to southern parts of Australia. The belief of them being safe of their former nation is beginning to be contested as China has begun to build consulate buildings in this part of Australia (where the Uighur have fled to). This is raising concerns of monitoring seeing that the most recent building opened this past week and is only a few kilometers from where the Uighur community reside. 

 In order to give valuable context, it's crucial we date back our investigation to 2017 when most of the concentration camps began to open and operate in China. They were in retaliation for Uighur protests against the Chinese government’s injustices. China greatly opposed their existence for a few years, but the evidence became so overwhelming that they began to reassign their original purpose. 

Source: Peta Doherty/SBS News

The Uighur population in Australia can be seen above protesting the erection of the Chinese building near where they live. 

Source: Peta Doherty/SBS News

Above we see a picture of Mrs. Yusuf, a member of the Uighur ethnicity who has family back in China who she hasn’t seen in months if not years, some of which have actually seen the inside of the concentration camps and a few that have gone missing completely. Mrs. Yusuf is a great person to follow in order to understand the stresses that this population is experiencing within and even outside of China’s borders. Yusuf’s family has decided to cut communication completely with her because they don’t want to be associated with international calls that call attention to their location and are threatened with the concentration camps. Yusuf’s situation is far from rare. She is familiar with hundreds of other families that are robbed of a sibling or other family member.

So to finish this off, what are the key takeaways from these articles and this blog in general. What is going on? The Uighur ethnic community is being discriminated against within China and is starting to branch out by building buildings near where this population is fleeing to in south Australia. How long as this been going on? The concentration camps within China have been going on for about 4 years now, but the threatening of this population is likely to have preceded them for a significant amount of time. Why specifically the Uighur? There is no reasonable explanation, however the Chinese government has described their beef as counter-terrorism and protests that were orginally in direct action against what the government had already done. 

Why is this important to know? Because this is now being considered a genocide and its crucial that we recognize and condemn acts of injustice all across the world.


"China: Free Xinjiang 'Political Education' Detainees". Human Rights Watch. Retrieved 5 April 2021.

Forrest, Adam. “Who Are the Uighur People and Why Do They Face Oppression by China?” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 26 Mar. 2021,

Doherty, Peta. “Adelaide's Uighur Community Fears New Chinese Consulate Building Will Lead to Monitoring.” SBS News, 5 Apr. 2021, 

Dou, Eva. “Who Are the Uighurs, and What's Happening to Them in China?” The Washington Post, WP Company, 12 Feb. 2021,

Ching, Nike. “US Classifies China's Policies Toward Uighurs as 'Genocide' .” Voice of America, 19 Jan. 2021, 

Why was Prince Hamzah of Jordan placed under house arrest? Jordanian democracy shows its darker side.

Jordan is a small Arab country in the Middle East consisting of approximately ten million people, and its governmental form is a constitutional monarchy. The government, while exhibiting some elements of democracy, such as a judiciary branch and election of legislative representatives by the people, is still largely an autocratic system.  

                                    Prince Hamzah

This was shown when Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein, son of the late King Hussein and Queen Noor, and half-brother of Abdulla II (the current ruler of Jordan), was placed under house arrest by Abdulla II on April 3rd, 2021. Hamzah, along with all his family members and staff, was arrested immediately after he was seen interacting with Jordanian tribal leaders, and the reason given by the government in an official public statement was that he was a threat to “the security and stability of Jordan” (quoted in Indian Express). After his arrest, Hamzah released a video through his lawyer to the BBC in which he spoke out against the current government. He stated that he was not part of any conspiracy against the government but was the victim of an authoritarian regime that tried to silence the free speech of any of its critics--he added that the government had cut off internet and phone service to the palace where he and his family and staff were being held. In the video, Hamzah summed up was he sees as the main problems in Jordan’s present government: “I am not the person responsible for the breakdown in governance, for the corruption, and for the incompetence that has been prevalent in our governing structure for the last 15 to 20 years, and has been getting worse by the year.” He presented further criticism of the government as it has been run under Abdullah II, saying that Jordanians’ “wellbeing has been put second by a ruling system that has decided that its personal interests, financial interests, that its corruption is more important than the lives and dignity and future of the 10 million people who live here” (Indian Express). 

Abdullah II

All of these events mark a significant deterioration of democracy in Jordan, which is alarming because it had been seen as a relatively stable state in a turbulent region of the world. Jordanian democracy was never very strong, but it had shown signs of improvement over the past two decades and a general movement toward greater engagement and integration with modern democratic nations of the world.

In spite of Abdullah’s authoritarian response to Hamzah exercising the basic right of free speech, Jordan still maintains support from its Sunni allies Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and more importantly, the United States. US State Department spokesman Ned Price said “We are closely following the reports and are in touch with Jordanian officials. King Abdullah is a key partner of the United States, and he has our full support” (Indian Express). This continued US backing of Abdullah II and his government is a clear indication that the US values the overall stability of Jordan and its military and political connections with it very highly and is willing to compromise its democratic ideals to maintain this relationship.

Explained: Who is Prince HAMZAH, put under 'house arrest' in Jordan. (2021, April 05). 

Retrieved April 05, 2021, from 

Kingsley, P., & Sweis, R. (2021, April 06). As Jordan seeks to Quell Royal Feud, allies of prince 

remain in detention. Retrieved April 06, 2021, from 

Population, total - jordan. (n.d.). Retrieved April 06, 2021, from 

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