Wednesday, September 16, 2020

2020 Presidential Election: Do Political Advertisements need More Regulation?

    Swings states are being targeted by presidential campaigns for the 2020 election. According to Advertisement Analytics, an ad tracking firm, the Trump campaign has spent $57.5 million and the Biden Campaign $63.7 million on advertisements. The presidential nominees are targeting swing states in this extremely close election. Florida has been fought over between Biden and Trump since July. Their advertisements include some misleading information about each other and have the ability to sway millions of people. President Trump has portrayed Joe Biden as somebody who wants to take away social security and give it to immigrants. In the advertisements that have aired on television in Florida, the Trump administration has made false claims about what Biden would do as president. Biden has portrayed President Trump as someone who talks a lot but has done very little for the economy or pandemic. Both campaigns have spent enormous amounts of money on political advertisements in Florida. They are targeting Florida because the race is expected to be closer than any other state. Florida television screens are being overflowed with political advertisements to influence the election as it has done in the past, but where does it end?

Caroline Amenabar/NPR

    Political advertisements should be met with more regulation and fact-checking. There should be non-partisan fact-checking for all advertisements that are aired for political purposes. In Florida, more than $200 million has been spent by the Democratic and Republican nominees in advertisements. There needs to be more legislation monitoring the accuracy of political advertisements because they persuade many voters. Legislation will allow people to vote based on the facts of the two presidential candidates instead of the lies. 









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